Group Dreamwork

Transformative Potential of Group Dreamwork – A Phenomenological Study

The dream is a little hidden door in the innermost and most secret recesses of the soul, opening into that cosmic night which was psyche long before there was any ego-consciousness, and which will remain psyche no matter how far our ego-consciousness extends.  

Carl Jung


When we close our eyes and go to sleep at night, something inside us awakens. We step into dreamland and explore the inner corridors of our psyche. Dreaming is a universal aspect of the human condition, representing a shared encounter with the depths of our inner existence.

Since the dawn of man, dreams have played an important part in wisdom and religious traditions around the world. Dreams have been considered revelations from the spiritual realm, messages from God, and a source of religious inspiration. The field of dream studies however is much younger. Modern-day dream workers do not mention the gods, but often believe that dreams originate from a sacred place.

Through the contributions of practitioners and theorists, dreams have emerged as a significant psychological pathway for self-exploration. There is a great deal of evidence that supports the healing and transformative potential of understanding and working with dreams. Sharing dreams and working on dreams in a group setting, fosters appreciation for others’ personal growth promoting a sense of commonality. Dream group practice gained traction in the 1970s, enabling social exchanges and the quest for meaning.

Considerable research has been done on dreams and dream groups. However, none of the studies specifically focused on the transformative aspect of dreamwork in a dream group. What is the transformative potential of unpacking a dream in a group setting? The present study aimed to answer this question.

Interest in this research came from my personal experience. By exploring the depths of my unconscious through dream work in a group setting, I have been able to find meaning in my life even in times of great pain and suffering. This has led me to my life’s purpose, and as a result, I feel that I live a more fulfilled life. From personal experience, I know that dream groups can serve as alchemical containers, utilizing the approach to the numinous as catalyst for transformation.

Understanding the lived experience of exploring dreams in a group setting aids us to create and hold space for people to have transformative experiences in a larger context and with wider applications. With this understanding in mind, I embarked on a research journey. My intention was to contribute to the field of dream studies from the perspective of transpersonal psychology.

Method & Results

Phenomenology was employed as the methodological framework for the study, as I wanted to study the subjective and objective lived experience of the phenomenon of transformation in a dream group setting. Phenomenology is a qualitative form of research concerned with the common meaning for several individuals of their lived experience of a phenomenon or concept.

A new dream group was formed by the researcher with four participants who were in several online sessions. We worked together on the dream(s) of one individual at each session, using the principals of Integral Dreaming and the Dream Tending method. Participants were interviewed after the sessions and were asked todescribe their lived experience during and after the group meetings. Four major themes emerged after the analysis of the data: gratitude, deep and meaningful experience, sense of oneness, and transformation (figure 1).

Key findings from the study suggest that being part of a dream group: 1) can be a deep and meaningful experience; 2) can bring about a sense of oneness and interconnectedness that leads to feelings of empathy, love, and compassion, and 3) dream groups can serve as alchemical containers, utilizing the approach to the numinous as catalyst for transformation.

Figure 1

Themes that emerged.

Image © Sara Saidy

In essence, the experience of the participants working on their dreams and dreams of others in a group setting was joyful, positive, deep, and meaningful. Within the safe and nurturing space cultivated by the group, individuals felt empowered to express themselves authentically and freely. The collective wisdom and support nurtured within the group contributed to the overall transformative nature of the experience, leaving a lasting impact on the participants’ lives. The process of working on dreams within a group became a catalyst for profound transformation, offering a remarkable journey of exploration, understanding, and integration.

It is important to understand that the results of this study are not necessarily generalizable across all populations. Additional studies are needed to better understand the effects of a dream group. Despite having some limitations however, the study advances dream literature. The positive transformative results of this study show that group dream work is a valuable tool for inner work and may encourage interested people to join a dream group. The results can help us create dream group practices that could contribute to personal growth and transformation through dream work.

The findings of this study demonstrate that dream groups can serve as alchemical vessels that take the raw material of the psyche (i.e. dream images, symbols), and transform them into something useful for our waking lives. Working with the living dream images in a group setting causes them to shape-shift and teach us something about our own development and growth. We transform when our dream images transform.

Furthermore, dream groups offer a viable opportunity to gather individuals and create a sense of community. By engaging in this process, we embark on a collective journey aimed at healing the deep-seated human divisions that exist. We gain insights into our interconnectedness, realizing that our struggles, fears, and aspirations are not exclusive to us alone, but are shared by others.

Individual dream journeys intertwine, creating a collective energy of healing and transformation. As we heal and grow, we become agents of positive change, inspiring others to embark on their own paths of self-discovery and contributing to the healing of our fragmented world. It is through this transformative process of approaching the numinous that we collectively rise above divisions and work towards a more harmonious and compassionate society, built upon the foundations of unity, understanding, and healing.

Header Image © Sara Saidy